Many Thanks to Anna , who organised the gigs for us, and to our new and old friends in New York: Les Sans Culottes (on vous aime beaucoup!) , The Bamboo Kids, The Jeanies, Party Lights. Also our friends in Philadelphia Sonic Screemers and Howling Fantod's and a special Merci to Peter (Sonic Screemers). In New Haven thanks a lot to Fernando and Sarah for giving us such a warm welcome and thanks again to Party Lights, and the Hulls. Our little cousins "Badass Motherfuzzers" also say thank you to Anna for the gig at Otto's Shrunken Head:)
Thanks a lot to the audience who was always warm and wonderful to us!!!
Here are a few videos of the bands we played with:
Los Jamones Us tour 2015 videos and friends!
all the best and see you soon
Mickey and Los Jamones